Old Subwoofer Setup

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Dec 14, 2014
I have an old subwoofer I would like to hook up to my PC and it connects by db9 sata and my computer doesn't have that port so I was wondering if I could connect it through a db9 to use cable or would I have to buy the ports and put them in an expansion slot?
Without a brand or model number for the subwoofer I will guess and say that the manufacturer used a db9 sata connector because it was easily available and cheap but it is not being used in the same manner as a PC and so would not be compatible.
The db9 could have been used to connect the sub to a main control unit.
I had a Panasonic sub that connected to a Panasonic DVD player using a similar connector.
When the player died I tried to repurpose the sub but it turned out to be extremely difficult and I ended up ripping out the electronics from the sub and installing a simple sub woofer amplifier and it now works great.
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