Hi Folks. I'm new on here so go easy. I have a moderate knowledge of computing but haven't been able to sort this problem. If there's a solution somewhere on here please point me to right direction. My windows 7 laptop hdd went pop so I installed a new one no problem. However, i'm trying to access the files on the old hdd with no luck. I have changed the permissions and ownership with success but still unable to access the hdd. I have the hdd powered up and connected through a usb port. It shows up as F drive and has been named recovery. If I click on the drive I can see from the properties there is over 4 gig of data within. I can see within the drive a folder called recovery and an xml document called ADRInfos which is an xml document. I can access the xml file but it means nothing to me. The recovery folder shows it about 1.56mb of data but i can't see in the folder. It seems the root F drive which contains the folder and xml file has about 4gb of data within which I can't access. Any help with accessing this would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.