Older system need advise on a new GPU for eyefinity


Jun 15, 2015
What I'm using now

AMD Quad core Phenom ii x4 9750 2.5 g
4G corsair ram
250g hard drive
Zalman oversized heat sink
Antecedent True power 550watt psu
AMD Radeon HD4870 Saphire graphics card
Microsoft office 2013
Windows 8.1

My goal out of this is to replace GPU 1 card and run 3x monitors ... I'm just looking for I put

For what you're trying to accomplish, you'd need a pretty hefty GPU,
and then almost guaranteed your power supply would be hurting.
My other concern is that if you get those both sorted, is that the rest
of your system begins to be a bottleneck. 3D gaming would be handled
mostly by the graphics card, but any 2D (Windows) would rely more
on CPU and RAM.
I would get a center monitor now (if you don't already) that kicks some
ass,and the graphics card, and then I'd focus on the mobo, cpu, and ram.
Ok I forgot this post does not have that info ... Ok so I'm planning to build a new computer. I currently have a
AMD Quad core Phenom 2 x4 9750 at 2.5 g
4G corsair ram
250g hard drive
Zalman oversized heat sink
Antecedent True power 550watt psu
AMD Radeon HD4870 Saphire graphics card
Microsoft office 2013
Windows 8.1

Before I commit to building a computer I want to use eyefinity ..
I don't spend Hartley anytime at all on cpu ....
Oldest kid .....don't use it all she has laptop
My youngest is a mine craft nut ... She plays that while streaming music from tidal
Wife surfs web
I'm never on it but I want to start gaming
So I guess mainly for gaming
Budget for upgrade is approxitly 200
For what you're trying to accomplish, you'd need a pretty hefty GPU,
and then almost guaranteed your power supply would be hurting.
My other concern is that if you get those both sorted, is that the rest
of your system begins to be a bottleneck. 3D gaming would be handled
mostly by the graphics card, but any 2D (Windows) would rely more
on CPU and RAM.
I would get a center monitor now (if you don't already) that kicks some
ass,and the graphics card, and then I'd focus on the mobo, cpu, and ram.
Triple Monitor Gaming is taxing in the GPU and CPU, if your planning on 3 then you need at least a R9 270X 4gb or better "$179". Cards with more than 2gb of RAM are preferred in these setups. Your CPU will be taxed in AAA Titles like BF4 and the Witcher 3 for that you would need a FX-8320 or better preferable a I5-4460 and up. If you gaming is less demanding like LoL, Dota 2 and other MOBA type games then just the gpu will due. I myself have never used more than 2 Monitors, for the panoramic aspect I use a 40 inch Samsung 4K LED TV, it just seems like a better experience over 3 separate monitors.