OMG!! Huge fight developing!!

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Carrie Fisher Declares ‘Star Wars’ Superior to ‘Star Trek’

Princess Leia took to video to refute William Shatner’s claim that ‘Trek’ was the better franchise

In an ongoing debate far more interesting than anything coming from the Republican presidential candidates, Carrie Fisher hotly rebuffed William Shatner’s assertions that “Star Trek” is way better than “Star Wars.” “First of all," the former Captain James Tiberius Kirk spewed in a recent interview, "‘Star Wars’ is derivative of ‘Star Trek’ by what…10, 15, 20 years? DERIVATIVE!” The bellicose Shatner continued. “’Star Trek’ had relationships and conflict among the relationships, and stories that involved humanity and philosophical questions,” he said in the video chat that he tweeted to his fans. “’Star Wars’ was special effects!”

Whoa! Those be fightin’ words in this or any galaxy. And now Carrie Fisher has struck back.

“They’re not in the same league,” the former Princess Leia declared flatly in a video uploaded to her YouTube channel (see below). “I mean, they have the word ‘star’ in the title, and there’s space travel, right? Where did they go? Klingon? It just sounds like a laundry detergent.”

I haven’t seen Fisher this feisty since she was wearing a leather bikini and pulling on the end of Jabba the Hutt’s leash. “My space buns—they’re so much better than Nimoy’s ears!” Carrie also pointed out that former vice president Dick Cheney prefers “Star Trek.” Ouch. That one hurts!

As a Trekkie enthusiast, I must say I find this to be a disturbance in the Force..

Oops, wrong cliche! 😀
It would be easier to defend Star Wars if George Lucas didn't take a big steamer on it every few years....And then CGI finally killed the series.

Personally Im a Star Wars fan, not that I have anything against Trekkies(LOL FF says Trekkie is a word).

But honestly I would rather have Picard leading the ship, and Shatner as my wingman.

Either would be better than, say, Jar-Jar Binks 😛

But I would still like to see Princess Leia's "space buns", and not the ones over her ears either 😀.
Trek did have a 10 year head start. But it was also more (and sometimes, too much) multicultural and politically correct.

Stars Wars was more straight forward - "Save the girl; save the world; save Civilization as we know it".

I could not have articulated that any better!

I'm also a big Star Wars fan, not as fanatical as one of my bestie's, but he's over the top having read just about all the Star Wars books and played a majority of the games. We already have a guild setup for Star Wars: The Old Republic and we have it pre-ordered on Origin. But I digress, Star Wars has a much farther reaching universe (in time and complexity) than that of Star Trek, but Star Trek still had some great stories. I really gained an appreciation for Star Trek after the remake and started to go back and actually appreciate the old school stuff.

Well since you guys & gals seem to be taking this far more seriously than it warrants...

IMO Star Trek considered over all 5 series, was indeed the better series, inasumuch as it was not a mere space opera like Star Wars. While I enjoy mere space opera, it hardly offers any significant insights as to our place in the universe, unless you consider not being eaten by Ewoks as somehow cosmically significant. As opposed to comically significant 😀. Star Wars was pure entertainment for the senses; Star Trek additionally offered entertainment for the intellect. Quite a few of the ST stories were written by some fairly eminent sci-fi writers, whereas if memory serves, Star Wars was primarily written by George Lucas. The difference is readily apparent.

But I will agree that ST-TOS (The Original Series for the Klingons amongst us) had fairly mediocre special effects even for 1966. I mean, c'mon - a speaker box on the wall was "The Computer" (voiced by Majel Barrett in all the series)? And a lot of the plots were fairly hokey as well. That's why TOS is not in my DVD collection, whereas all the others - even "Voyager" which frankly stunk up the place the first 2-3 seasons - is in my collection.

However ST-TNG (Next Generation) and ST-DSN (Deep Space Nine) were far superior to Star Wars plot-wise, considering the former were hourly episodes set in a huge story arc spanning well over a hundred episodes, whereas the latter were full-length movies set in a rather weak and predictable story arc spanning just 6 episodes. The first gives the writers the opportunity to zoom in on individual characters to flesh them out as people, then zoom out to advance the arc. Or to focus on an idea or concept and carry it forward to its logical conclusion to make a point. So we're dealing with maybe a thousand hours total over all 5 series. The latter, being limited to maybe 15 hours total, cannot hope to compete and so shoots for a much lower goal - namely pure entertainment.

So that's why my userID mentions phasers and not light-sabers 😛

Pfft, who needs thinking? 😛

In all honesty, the movies are crap, the Expanded Universe is much better :).

Plus Star Wars promotes neagtive female sterotypes, what can be better than that? 😀

*The sarcastic nature of AFG can be accurately be measured by the amount of smilies she uses in a post. :kaola:

Well when your avatar wears a white hat, much can be forgiven 😀

I semi-agree about SW promoting negative female stereotypes - while Princess Leia had a strong personality for the most part, she seemed to require lots of rescuing by virile males, esp. when she was in her scanty bikini aboard Jabba's floating boat in the desert.

Star Trek had some strong female characters who kicked a lot of butt - both alien and human, and made tough command decisions. However, when Captain Janeway got turned into some sort of frog in a swamp, mating with another crewman also turned into a frog, somewhere in Season 2 or maybe 3, I nearly quit watching the series.. It wasn't until Seven of Nine came aboard and they dumped the alien empath with the short blonde hair off the ship (you can tell which character I paid attention to 😀), that the series saved itself and became interesting to me anyway. Not just because Seven looked pretty hot in her uniforms 😛, but because the interaction with the Voyager crew and her former Borg colony was well written and portrayed IMO.

Sure. But then how would I say "Light Sabers on, er, uh, don't kill the guy, just knock him out"?? 😀

Besides, while far-fetched, at least Trekkie science was logical, to quote Spock. Using Light Sabers to deflect bullets and pulse rifle blasts, even by Jedi Knights, seems a bit problematical as human twitch responses are measured in tens of milliseconds - hardly enough time to move the saber beam from one position to another..

Yes, for a Vulcan she was pretty hot 😀. Sorta like Seven on Voyager, and Jadzia Dax on Deep Space Nine. Heck, even Kirstie Alley as Lt. Saavik in Wrath of Khan was pretty hot back in 1982 😀. Of course, nowadays she frequently bloats up to where she could play the Enterprise itself 😛..
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