On line gaming ethics?


Jan 26, 2011
Have played some online multiplayer games and have some questions about ethics...

I have found game experience less than satisfying because of some nasty trolling and epeen types... just wondering if this is primarily my own experience with one game in particular or do others find that game ethics are lacking with all online games... also some people go out of way to cheat, hack or buy online items even when this is prohibited by the game producers.
Online gaming is a bit like real life. The same people do it. There's droves who have very high standards of behaviour. Look for the quality groups and be picky.
You will always find that any online game has its...
Badly behaved
All of the 'bove
Even people who do not care and they only want to annoy you.

On average it can be as bad as 1 in 10 people...

It could be your choice of game but usually it isn't; it gets everywhere.

My suggestion would be:
Do not respond to them - they feed of reactions
Do not attempt to correct them - Same reason
Just either ignore them or leave the server.

Life is like that,
Depends where you play to be honest. Most of the tiem I could care less if people buy things in MMO's to help them along. IN all fairness it's their damn money and if they want to spend it buying virtual items it stheir right to do so regardless of what the games rules are. It's a game.

Hacking/Cheating is a whole nother problem. I have no tolerance for this and if you are ruining others play experience because of your stupidity it will result in auto ban if you are on my servers. The problem really arrises if you play on consoles where you don't have the option to play on dedicated servers and if you run into a hacker you simply just have to deal with it.

As for annoying tweens/kids that haven't had their balls drop yet it's just a matter of either leaving the game or muting them. Really your only option. If you playing on a dedicated server/PC chances are you are in a Ventrilo chat when you play and an admin will most likely boot them . I suspect you are playing on consoles since your having problems with children as you don't generally see this in pc gaming. As the previous poster mentioned people like this feed off your frustrations or responses... if you don't respond chances are they are going to stop.
Online gaming is a bit like real life. The same people do it. There's droves who have very high standards of behaviour. Look for the quality groups and be picky.
Thanks for replies...

I was playing a lot of world of warcraft but am off that atleast for now and playing mostly single player shooter and action games much more enjoyable for me for now.