Onboard Audio outputs not working!


May 24, 2015
i have this OEM motherboard that is not branded,

usually all motherboards have options to disable/enable/auto on board audio device,
but this one has only auto/disable options in the bios settings, even when i plug the front panel audio, it doesn't work, when i boot to windows all i see is a Digital Audio (S/PDIF) audio which doesn't work too, i have a video card plugged, and it has no s/pdif output, and neither does the motherboard, i know it's fake, but i want to know if there's a way to fix this !
i need some sound,
download the high audio drivers. most mb use those or the x97 driver. after the driver is installed and pc is rebooted look under windows sound devices make sure realtteck speakers are set as default output device. if they are the rear speakers should be working. if the rear work in the realteck sound control is a check box to make the front and rear ports two output make sure there on then the front ports should work when you plug something in. that is if the fround audio cable is connected right to the mb.
download the high audio drivers. most mb use those or the x97 driver. after the driver is installed and pc is rebooted look under windows sound devices make sure realtteck speakers are set as default output device. if they are the rear speakers should be working. if the rear work in the realteck sound control is a check box to make the front and rear ports two output make sure there on then the front ports should work when you plug something in. that is if the fround audio cable is connected right to the mb.