One dead pixel on Benq monitor


Oct 5, 2011
Hello everyone,

I bought a Benq 23' IPS monitor 2-3 months ago and yesterday I noticed a dead pixel in the middle of the screen. Pixel is white/blueish and can be seen on dark backgrounds.
I tried applying pressure, tapping 5-10 times and ran a few softwares for 20-30 minutes without luck. Does this mean I just have to live with it or is there something else I can try?

Thank you in advance
Hello my name is __________. I am writing to you today due to a problem with a monitor of yours I recently purchased. This is my 3rd BenQ monitor ( love your company) and I set it up recently to our new computer with our engineering software and noticed a dead pixel smack dab in the middle of the are our program runs. I understand that this can happen but due to our application and needs this dead pixel is very unfortunate for us. It is distracting to our engineers working with the software and I am hoping that you guys can stand buy your product and help make this right. I was hoping you would work with us on getting this replaced , and doing so will help insure another life long BenQ customer. I have been discussing this with my colleagues and believe you guys will stand by your product, and when you do so I will make sure to let everyone know about your outstanding customer service. Thanks in advance !

Your name here


Send that to the right person at BenQ and your monitor will be replaced, guaranteed.

Yeah it's definitely worth a shot. Given that the dead pixel is in the middle I would think they are a lot more likely to replace it than if it was off to the edge.
Yeah I'll give it a try. Thank you both for helping me out! I hope it works. I found a table on BenQ site where it says that warranty works if you have 3 or more than 3 dead pixels for 23-24 inch monitors so I doubt it will work but I'll try :)