i got the answer for my fans spinning without system being powered on - it was indeed a a failed power supply. However in my search of answers i had done the bios reset and battery reset. Now that i moved everything in my new case with my new power supply, it powered right up, fans spinning only after i turn the pc on. on the black start up screen im getting message "system fan has failed, blah blah press F2" I checked all fans are working purrty and windows loads with no problem. so im wondering... if resetting CMOS or w/e that was i did i deleted some settings for the fan.. oh yeah - im not sure if that's related but i did reapply the thermal paste for the heat-sink since i knew my old was all crusty and ugly. Anyhow looking for some advice, i don't like pink warning letters on my screen not that i see the black start up screen too often. to make 100% sure tehre isn't an actual proble with fan i'd like to know what i can download that would tell me if system temperatures are appropriate, and if fans are not the case, how do i make bios forget about its' idea of an error