One more question about Windows size...


Dec 26, 2016
Ok, so I installed the fresh Win 10 Home on my new SSD and I found that Windows folders are around 15GB, after instaling just WinRar, PowerISO programs and some windows update tgat size increase to around 25GB. It's not Anniversary Update cos I installed 1607 verzion downloaded from Microsoft, it's just some "regular" update. Usualy I disable updates but on this last version, after I disabled it, Windows Defender wasn't able to update, so I switched it back on and I get this, 10GB gone somewhere... That's the main reason for I always disabling update. Any suggestion? Thanks.
In the next month or so, some regular update will be a new version of windows again, but not yet...

the shop uses windows update to gather its things as well so it is not just program updates that use the process. As does defender, as you found out. Why not use Comodo and turn defender off completely

You can download and run windirstat and run it to see what is using all the space in folder. My windows folder is only 19gb after 1 years install.
In the next month or so, some regular update will be a new version of windows again, but not yet...

the shop uses windows update to gather its things as well so it is not just program updates that use the process. As does defender, as you found out. Why not use Comodo and turn defender off completely

You can download and run windirstat and run it to see what is using all the space in folder. My windows folder is only 19gb after 1 years install.

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