One of 4 screws holding down CPU Cooler stripped


Jun 28, 2013
So i just got a new air cooler and needed to remove my water cooler but after unscrewing the first 3 the last one is stripped and stuck.

Ive tried:

Super Glue
Using a flathead
Clampers or whatever they are called sorry

I dont have a drill 🙁

Thank you!
If you place a rubber back between the screwdriver and screw, it should allow you to add enough friction to get enough purchase to take it out. Be careful, though, you might have to press down fairly hard to facilitate the friction.

i can go to the hardware store, i saw a video of someone using a wrench to pull out the screw extractor and screw. Do I need a drill? also are there any videos of people using drill extractors in computers?
If you place a rubber back between the screwdriver and screw, it should allow you to add enough friction to get enough purchase to take it out. Be careful, though, you might have to press down fairly hard to facilitate the friction.