V viksjun Reputable Mar 30, 2014 1 0 4,510 Mar 30, 2014 #1 Out of two ram slots, one of my ram slot is not working, the model of mobo is LENOVO NITU1 REFERENCE. what is the cost of this mobo, if replaced. Is there any other option to repair it.
Out of two ram slots, one of my ram slot is not working, the model of mobo is LENOVO NITU1 REFERENCE. what is the cost of this mobo, if replaced. Is there any other option to repair it.
Phillip Corcoran Titan Moderator Sep 7, 2013 26,069 897 120,140 Mar 30, 2014 #2 You will have to contact Lenovo to enquire about the cost of a new motherboard as they may be the only company that can supply it to you: http://support.lenovo.com/en_GB/feedback/contactsupport.page Upvote 0 Downvote
You will have to contact Lenovo to enquire about the cost of a new motherboard as they may be the only company that can supply it to you: http://support.lenovo.com/en_GB/feedback/contactsupport.page