One PC Showing same screen from computers desktop on Two (Possibly more) TV's Wirelessly


Apr 13, 2014

The title pretty much describes what im looking for, i need to be able to show what i am doing on a PC onto two TV wirelessly. I have looked all over the interenet and cant seem to get an answer as many comments seem to contradict each other. Currently i have access to one Apple TV which could be used but if this is not an option allowing me to do what ive asked for then i can purchase another piece of hardware. Also i will be buying a new PC for this sole purpose along with all the other hardware so the only requirements is that it meets the one pc showing on two tvs wirelessly.

Also what i havent mentioned is the the two tvs will be in the same room about 3-4 meters apart from each other.

Any more questions you have for me, feel free to ask.