One PC two networks?


Jan 19, 2016

My question:

A little home network with two PC's and a printer which are connected together through Wi-Fi with an ADSL Internet router.

I have to add two WorkBooks (Western Digital ext. HDD) to one of the PC. I have to use the Ethernet NIC of this PC to connect to a switch that is connected to the two Books. Only this PC can access the Books for security reasons by two network mapping .

How do I configure the Ethernet part without having conflict with the Wi-Fi network?

Link to To drawing!

Many thanks for all answers!


Your Google picture needs to be Public Shared.

GATEWAY = this door to the Internet. Following your first drawing, you get to the Internet via WIFI, hence the WIFI NIC needs a gateway, but there is no door to the Internet on ethernet side, hence leave gateway parameter BLANK on the ethernet NIC.

Do it. Nothing is gonna blow up, promise.
Very simply actually, all you have to do is to keep WIFI and ethernet on separate subnets, you are good to go. What is this mumbo-jumbo subnet you ask. Without doing all the jargons, this:

Your current WIFI is on this network:
Make your wired ethernet to be:

Now on the WIFI side, your router is providing DHCP service, but there is no router on the ethernet side, so here you have to assign the IP addresses STATIC, meaning manually, to each device.


Jan 19, 2016

Hello smithepa,

Many thanks for your answer!
I will do it like it but to be sure, can you check the drawing here!
I asked because without gateway, I thought it couldn't work!
Nothing to write in the host file?
Only the static adresses on PC and the two Books and two network mapping on the PC?

Many thanks to you for helping a techno-peasant!


Your Google picture needs to be Public Shared.

GATEWAY = this door to the Internet. Following your first drawing, you get to the Internet via WIFI, hence the WIFI NIC needs a gateway, but there is no door to the Internet on ethernet side, hence leave gateway parameter BLANK on the ethernet NIC.

Do it. Nothing is gonna blow up, promise.


Jan 19, 2016

Hello jsmithepa,

Sory for the link, I forgot to share with the new link when replacing the drawing ;-)))
Link to the drawing

As you said, I put no gateway but a subnet mask: is it correct or does it explode?
I will do the job next week and I will tell you!

I appreciated your help very much, many thanks.




Jan 19, 2016

Hello jsmithepa,

I already tested this day: it doesn't work like it should!

1.- When I start the PC and later on the two Books, the PC can't connect to the Books. The network mappings keep "red" in the Windows File Explorer. If I then restart the PC, the Books are connected and I can read and/or write files on disks.

2.- When I start first the Books and afterwards the PC, the two Books are connected and the network mappings are both "green" and I can read and/or write files on disks.

The Books are mainly only started when needed. They are normally not started in each session, not each day, but only when a work is finished. This means that they are only started when the PC is already working!

Do you have an idea of the problem?
The only solution will be to replace the switch with an managed switch and to use it as gateway for this 2. network.

Many thanks for your help.
