One Ultrawide 2560x1080 with 2 1920x1080p


Dec 5, 2015
Hello, can I connect those monitors in my title and play games on all three at the same time? Triple monitor gaming on different one different resolution monitor?
If your card is Nvidia, you cannot change monitor resolutions from a single card across different monitors. The card can only individually support one resolution no matter what your monitor resolution supports. You can physically do it, but the desktop display scaling will only be whatever your chosen primary resolution is the GPU is using.

For example, if I run my primary 2560x1440p monitor and then connect a 1080p monitor as a second monitor for watching PC temps or email or whatever, that 1080p monitor will be trying to see a 1440p desktop display and be out of whack (an app window that is small on the 1440p will be HUGE on the 1080p monitor).

If you are running 2560x1080 as your native/primary display setting, then your...
If your card is Nvidia, you cannot change monitor resolutions from a single card across different monitors. The card can only individually support one resolution no matter what your monitor resolution supports. You can physically do it, but the desktop display scaling will only be whatever your chosen primary resolution is the GPU is using.

For example, if I run my primary 2560x1440p monitor and then connect a 1080p monitor as a second monitor for watching PC temps or email or whatever, that 1080p monitor will be trying to see a 1440p desktop display and be out of whack (an app window that is small on the 1440p will be HUGE on the 1080p monitor).

If you are running 2560x1080 as your native/primary display setting, then your 1920x1080 monitors are going to have areas not seen as that extra width will be off the desktop (you'd need to move and resize windows to fit, and they'd be at a weird format since the screen formats are different ratios...21:9 for the 2560x1080, 16:9 for the 1920x1080).

Now this info is for Nvidia cards as stated. I am not sure if AMD cards support different native monitor resolutions from the same card. You do not say which brand of card you use.

I use an AMD card, a r9 390