Online Bachelors Degree


Apr 25, 2013
Greetings folks,

I am in college right now working towards an AA degree and I am looking to finish with my bachelors degree. The place I am at is a resident college, which in simple terms means the education is not from the school, I just live there and education is online. I would like to be able to stay here and work on my bachelors because the environment is really cool. So on to the actual bachelors...

To understand which bachelors degree I want to get, you must first know what I would like to do with my life. I want to be a network administrator. I would like to work fixing workstations, connecting them to the server, work on the server, setup/upgrade an existing server, run cables, setup user accounts, etc.

So my question is more of a 2 part question: 1. What should I get my bachelors degree in (Information Technology?), 2. Do you know of any good schools that will do a fully online, accredited, bachelors degree?

Thanks for taking time to look. You folks rock!