Seems as though Nevada, ( along with New Jersey and Delaware)is decriminalizing and licensing online poker rooms. This is a push in the online gambling movement many Americans have wanted for a long time. Other States that are looking at decriminalization are California, Massachusetts, Ohio, and I think New York. Washington State has been the toughest on online gambling making it a felony to play, host, or operate online gambling, similar to professional gambling. However, a state Rep wants to lessen the severity of punishment from a felony ( 5 years in state pen plush 10,000 buckaroos) to a 50 dollar ticket. Washington State is the only state know as of now that is pursuing a lax enforcement on online gambling, regulated by the WSGC.
I wonder, how much a license in Nevada is and if they accept out of state guys to open a room?
Here is a news link by Huff post:
I wonder, how much a license in Nevada is and if they accept out of state guys to open a room?
Here is a news link by Huff post: