Online Gaming Services Taking a Huge Holiday Beating

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I read the title and thought it was going to be about how online gaming, like MMOs, were getting a massive beat down by the advent of Christmas console gifts.

Otherwise, decent article for what it was about.
Americans your funny the wiiu is selling way more than Xbox and the wii u will be champ because Asia says so.....
Steam was down for A couple hours because they gave away Left 4 Dead 2 for free on Christmas day.besides that Steam has handling the traffic pretty well.
In the week leading up to Christmas, both the PS3 (401,000 units) and the Xbox 360 (407,000 units) outsold the Wii U (319,000 units), though. PS4 sold 656,000 units, and the Xbox One sold 307,000 units without being available in Japan or Europe yet. In any case, I hope they all sell well so that competition can drive quality up and prices down. It does seem that Nintendo aims at a slightly different market segment than Sony and Microsoft, but it's not like there's zero overlap.

Really like all of America buys the crapbox...PC gaming ftw there pal. The Wii u is not even in my vocabulary. Weak bs.
Microsoft is quite lucky they didn't enforce their Always On DRM on Xbox One. I'm sure there would've been a lot of pissed customers, if they couldn't play during holidays of all times, just because their console has to be permanently connected to Xbox Live.
Can't help being slightly amused that while all this is going on with the "latest"
technology, my gf & I once again happily do bash away on PS2 Champions of
Norrath with no such worries. 😀 "Console" gaming is not what it used to be,
no doubt about that. For up to date gaming, I'll stick with the PC platform, to
have the full modifiability that it offers.



Xbox One has been available in Europe since day 1. PS4 launched there a week later. Neither of them are available in Japan yet, though.
i noticed no down time i got skyrim on steam holiday sale and torch light 2 both great game i just wish skyrim ran better it seems like laggs like crazy i have hd 7950 card so i know it does not play well but any 1 have a good solution my cpu id good no problem there im just ?????
Steam didnt had any issues serving the downloads, just the shoping part that was a tad slower. 9.5 mb+ / sec is allright for download during special sales =)
This is WHY i love DVDs, direct download of patchs and mods and play offline.

F**K Online gaming, instead of getting better, it get's worse as more and more people play online (and i'm not even talking about the exponential increase of cheaters).

The comms tech simply can't , and will not anytime soon, handle the increasing of the demand.

Strange, I didn't see any issues with Steam and I bought a bunch of stuff on sale, although PSN has been acting up for the past couple of weeks. I see this as a semi-good thing.

Xbox One has been available in Europe since day 1. PS4 launched there a week later. Neither of them are available in Japan yet, though.

Yes, you're right, thanks!
I'd actually really love to try out a Wii U, but I have ZERO desire to use the controller pad... why can't they just make games to use a controller, again?


I see what you did there. Pretty effective really.
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