Only 1 of 3 ram sticks detected


Jul 17, 2016
Hello all, I know there are many threads about similar issues but I have tried most of the fixes recommended and can't get my ram working properly.

I transferred my Dell 5DN3X motherboard to a new computer case. I have three sticks of 4gb ram. After the transfer from one case to another, I booted it up and only 1 stick of 4gb is detected. I tried switching the ram sticks around but the computer only boots up when I have a ram stick in dimm slot 1, 2 and 3 or dimm slot 1 and 3. All other configurations cause a boot error with repeating 2 beeps. Also, CPUz tells me that I only have a single channel.

Please let me know if you have any ideas on a fix. Thanks all.
Are you using a 3rd party cpu cooler, if so could try loosening and snugging down screw tight. If not, check that you have the latest BIOS, which may help. What are the model #s of the DRAM

Tradesman1, thank you for your reply. Yes, I have a H110i installed (which, while I did not mention it in my intial posting, was installed at the same time as the case swap). I have tried to loosen and tighten the screws twice now. BIOS is also updated. DRAM is Samsung m378b5273ch0-ch9.