Only 2 (really 1) slot(s) of RAM are working.


Apr 29, 2015
Alright, so this is a question I've been asking all of my Tech Support-y friends for like 2 years now. I'm finally fed up (with KSP and GTA using nearly 3gb of RAM themselves) with only having 6gb of ram. I currently have 2 4GB sticks and 2 2GB sticks installed. I've tried each stick alone, as well as other ram altogether (a buddy sent me RAM from his PC that he just replaced so I know that RAM is working fine), and no matter what I only have half of the seated RAM. In BIOS, the full 12GB show up, with 6 "allocated." In Windows, I only have access to 6.

I've done all of the BIOS "tweaks" and whatnot related to this, I've messed with a lot of windows based stuff. The only thing I've heard that done anything with is that my CPU pins may be bent or missing, but I'd really really like to avoid reseating my CPU especially if there's the chance that there are bent pins involved. I'm still running an LGA1156 mobo so replacing the CPU or the mobo is gonna be a huge hassle if it comes down it and I don't really have the $ to replace a CPU or a Mobo.
So Tom's Hardware, what do you guys thing is the issue, and how do you think I should solve it?

UPDATE: So I did some more tweaking and messing around. I ran a memtest and I went through every module and tried to get it to work. After a lot of testing of different modules. The PC only boots when Ram is in the fourth slot. (closest to the CD Drives). I get full RAM in that slot. In the third slot, I get 50% of whatever I put in there. The first 2 slots don't work at all. However, in Memtest, it showed I had 6gb of usable RAM HOWEVER, it also showed that each stick was the correct size. I didn't get like Slot 0 "empty", Slot 1 "empty", slot 2 "2gb". I got the full reading there.

So I'm not too sure where to go from here. I'm thinking a board RMA may be in order.
When you say you always have half the RAM, do you mean that even with a single stick in only half of its RAM is showing up? (i.e. with a 4GB stick in, only 2GB shows up)

If that's the case, then there's something up with the motherboard.

Or do you mean that each stick shows full RAM when installed by itself, but when installed in pairs only half the RAM shows up?

If that's the case, there might be a BIOS setting that's off. What's your motherboard manufacturer & model?
With @spdragoo question what are the timings and speed of you ram ?

Also its very weird that GTA takes 3 gb ram by itself ???? when im playng it i can open google chrome with about 20 tabs open plus a music player and when i check the task manger it gives me that gta is using 1.634 Gb of ram ..

and what is your os version 32/64 windows 7 / 8 ?
@Shiva I did, and everything is unchecked.

@Dragos Yes, as an attempt to fix this issue. It was happening before and after I updated bios.

@Spdragoo. It's the first issue, No matter how many sticks I have in, or what their sizes are; I get half of the installed RAM.

@3abdo, because I got my current RAM from a buddy, I can't be certain what the speed of the RAM is, but my initial RAM (that I got with the PC) matched the board's timing. I'm running x64 windows 7.

At times with GTA, my RAM usage will spike to 100%, and that's mostly due to GTA itself.

Edit: I updated the original thread with some new deets.

Thanks for trying to help guys, it means a lot :)
@Ramza789 Look man for us to help you solve this we need info about ur system and that is easy there is freeware like Speccy << >> or cpu id << >>
we need the cpu the mobo <motherboard > and both of your ram sticks information .
for what brispuss said i don't know what that has to do with anything but who knows he might be right !!
and also download the manual of your mobo look for the part about daul channel \ single channel ram slots and figure how t connect them correctly .. Hope you the best of luck with your system P: