only 6.97Gb out of 8GB Ram avalable

Carter fields

Apr 19, 2014
Hi Guys!
a few days ago it was 7.2GB av and now its 6.97 Out of 8GB DDR3
1600Mhz Duel 4GB sticks of corsair vengeance,
running windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit
It is not uncommon for Windows 8.1 to utilize up to 2.5GB of RAM depending upon what is running in the background. You will never have 8GB Free.... Currently I have 3.5 of 15.9GB used - two browser windows and one remote desktop window running.
It is not uncommon for Windows 8.1 to utilize up to 2.5GB of RAM depending upon what is running in the background. You will never have 8GB Free.... Currently I have 3.5 of 15.9GB used - two browser windows and one remote desktop window running.