Only get post by holding reset switch

May 15, 2018
I am fault finding for a friend, I’ve found the system will only post after the reset switch is held for around 10 seconds. Tried replacing all but the MB & CPU. It will not boot at all with a PSU i have in my own system? :??: also behaves the same with different RAM.

1. Press power button, fans, LED’s, keyboard & mouse all have power

2. After around 10 seconds, fans & LED’S flicker, fans then run much more slowly, keyboard and mouse lose power. Will hang there forever, no output.

3. While hanging, if i hold reset for roughly 10 secs then release, it will post and boot.

If it was a corrupt bios, it would boot to recover bios right? A little stumped, it’s not shorting on case, when its on, it runs without an issue.

Gigabyte AB350 rev1
Ryzen 5

Thanks in advance! 😀