Only one core is being used.


Jul 17, 2017
Hello! I have FX 4300 overclocked to 4Ghz (Not turbo mode). I was playing L.A.Noire and I had stutters, I opend task manager and played again and saw that one core was 100% loaded and others at 20-30%. Any ideas how to fix it?

I have stuttering in all games, in some are more often then others. I have Overwatch installed now and I have same issue there, but not so often. But in GTA V I have maybe 3 - 4 stutters in an hour of playing.

The thing is that cpu ISN'T working at 100%! It works at 70 - 80% and in game I have 40 - 55 fps. ( In GTA V )

Then any ideas what cpu can I buy for AM3+ ?
Ty for your time! I fixed the problem.

I chnage settings in BIOS:

BCLK : 240
CPU NB : 2400 Mhz
RAM : 1600 Mhz ( CL 12; 1.60 V )
HT Link : 2640 Mhz
CPU : 3960 Mhz
Voltage : 1.1500 V

Also I turned off power consumption "savers" ( My english is bad. SORRY! )

Everything else I left on AUTO

I gess if I had better cooling and better MoBo I could have set CPU clock to 4.4 Ghz and probably set higher BCLK.