Only one video card works when both are in (980 GTX)

Tony LeRoy

Aug 16, 2013
I have a dual 980 GTX setup. I had a dual screen setup and My monitor went out so I set my cards up to be SLI I had this setup for a while and everything was fine. Now, My computer only detects one video card in. I went through the troubleshooting steps and verified all my components work.

1.) Tried card 1 in PCI-E slot 1. Worked
2.) Tried card 2 in PCI-E slot 1. Worked
3.) Tried card 1 in PCI-E slot 2. Worked
4.) Tried card 2 in PCI-E slot 2. Worked
5.) Tried card 1 in slot 1 and card 2 in slot 2. Card one worked, and card two gives "DVI No Signal"
6.) Tried card 2 in slot 1 and card 1 in slot 2. Card two worked, and card one gives "DVI No Signal"
7.) Interchanged power cables between steps and also tested voltage according to pinouts. Everything checks out.

Device manager only reads my onboard Intel graphics 4600 chip and one GTX 980s. This one has me stumped.

Also I have a Z97x-Gaming 3 mobo, and a Corsair 1200 watt PSU.

I only have one monitor as I tossed the old one when it went out. Probably should have stated that. Sorry.
I hooked the cards back up and I put the bridge back on as I first had it when I noticed this issue. Is there a way to get them out of SLI just to be sure that both cards are being read? In the device manager and the Nvidia Control Panel I am only seeing one card as stated. No SLI tab anymore

And thanks for the reply. Still new to dual graphics card setup.
Nope, the only two PCIE cards I have are my graphics cards and they’re the only two PCIE slots being used. The third is empty. I can’t fit anything into it though since it doesn’t have that much clearance due to the closeness to the PSU

I’ll try this when I get home. For some reason in my bios I cannot set the lanes manually. I haven’t changed anything on the bios since I’ve had my pc (3 years) so I’ll look more in depth on this
Tried to update the bios, and I got an error in the qflash utility and it said "no drive found". I set my bios to default and got the no operating system error so I messed with the boot order and got it working. Still no second card found

Thanks for the link. Downloaded, ran, updated bios to F7. Still no second card.

Sorry for the late reply. I've been working and have classes as well. That didnt work. that just left me with one card detected haha. my 980 gtx. I re-enabled them again

So in my current setup now, I have my top card working. I unplugged my top card from the PCIE slot and connected my monitor to my bottom card and IT DID NOT WORK. I swapped power cables and it worked. So I placed my TOP card back in and hooked the supposedly bad power connector into it, and it actually worked. now my bottom card is not being detected over again.