Only wifi without a padlock symbol next to my wifi


Jun 25, 2014
just got a new router/modem all inn one.. went to in web browser to set up my wireless network

i set my name and password to the old wifi i had..

i thought all was good until i look and my wifi is the only one on the list without a secure padlock symbol next to the wifi strength.. im guessing this means my wifi isnt secure

I dont see how tho.. i have wpawpa2 activated (tkip/aes recommended) security setting

I have a password...yet... the secure symbol doesnt show up in the wifi list..

How do i get it to be secure??

i dont think there is a password set somehow?

even tho in my settings i put it there.. the wifi name changed and registered.. but the password i dont think does? idk i could be wrong
wutsup champ..

Thanks for your help...I was about to check my make and model of my modem/router

and I was going to find out where my screen shots were saved... its been awhile.

But I just tinkered with my settings a bit more first.... i had my 5hz and my 2.4ghz.... and i disabled my 5ghz.... and was using my 2.4ghz... (the 5ghz wouldnt even show up on my wifi list even with ssid enabled).

I restored my settings back to default to see what would happen...I restored my 2.4ghz first and it went back to the default ssid and pw.. however it was still showing no padlock / secure symbol for my wifi...

I then went to my 5ghz and restored that back to default settings... and enabled it again... once i did this, my 2.4ghz had a secure...
my main account? my guest accounts? ok im lost

I have a 2.5ghz (the one i set up)

and a 5ghz (disabled) network

... the 5ghz network wouldnt show up in my wifi list when i tried to connect to it so i used the 2.5ghz and turned the other one off.. thats all i know.. i dont see anything about guest accounts

i had it set to broadcast its ssid i believe
Make and model of the router?

Is this the only wifi in you home?

If you post a screen shot of the wifi settings page(s) it would help others to guide you to the proper settings. Sometimes there are settings inputs and a separate check box to actually turn them on.

The setting you want, if it is available is WPA2 only with AES encryption. WPA is only for legacy devices so only use it if you have an old device that doesn't support WPA2. TPIK encryption is legacy also. The router manufacturer may recommend them for compatibility and to cut down on support calls, but once you know the difference they can be excluded if not needed.
wutsup champ..

Thanks for your help...I was about to check my make and model of my modem/router

and I was going to find out where my screen shots were saved... its been awhile.

But I just tinkered with my settings a bit more first.... i had my 5hz and my 2.4ghz.... and i disabled my 5ghz.... and was using my 2.4ghz... (the 5ghz wouldnt even show up on my wifi list even with ssid enabled).

I restored my settings back to default to see what would happen...I restored my 2.4ghz first and it went back to the default ssid and pw.. however it was still showing no padlock / secure symbol for my wifi...

I then went to my 5ghz and restored that back to default settings... and enabled it again... once i did this, my 2.4ghz had a secure symbol.... and i was still unable to find my 5ghz on the list....

so i just chamged my 2.4ghz to the ssid / password i wanted and kept my 5ghz default settings... and low and behold my 2.4hz finally has the right settings and is secure.

thanks for the help, problem solved

p.s. sad part is i replaced this comcast modem in hopes of it fixing my weird internet connection (it disconnects almost non stop at night for about 5 minutes)

finally called comcast today and they said i have weird connection and they think its the outside cables so they need to send a tech out to look at it...

prob because of the hugeee lightning storm the other day.... was a massive cloud of heat lightning.. throwing off lightning everywhere without any thunder.. wasnt good