Opening my first pc build.

Apr 19, 2018

I am new here and I need your help. I am going to build my first pc ever, I have learned how to build it from youtube videos, articles etc. I just dont know what to do when I open it for the first time, do I need to get to the bios and what else should I do? Help me.

Thanks in advance.
Many of the videos on YouTube provide a great overview of how to build a system. Generally you will want an environment with minimal static to open your boxes and work. I would say that 95% of the time you will not need a BIOS update. The exception being using newer hardware on an old motherboard. If all parts are new and support is stated on the manufacturer's site, you won't need a BIOS update (with the exception of maybe Ryzen 2000 parts on first gen Ryzen motherboards). In the vast majority of cases you just start building.

Be sure to install your CPU, cooling solution, RAM, and video if you need it on the bench and test that it powers up and POSTs. This will save you some headache if there are any problems. Follow the motherboard...
Many of the videos on YouTube provide a great overview of how to build a system. Generally you will want an environment with minimal static to open your boxes and work. I would say that 95% of the time you will not need a BIOS update. The exception being using newer hardware on an old motherboard. If all parts are new and support is stated on the manufacturer's site, you won't need a BIOS update (with the exception of maybe Ryzen 2000 parts on first gen Ryzen motherboards). In the vast majority of cases you just start building.

Be sure to install your CPU, cooling solution, RAM, and video if you need it on the bench and test that it powers up and POSTs. This will save you some headache if there are any problems. Follow the motherboard manual as the step by step instructions will help you to not forget any connections.

Otherwise, computers are like adult legos. They go together pretty easily. Just follow your guides and you'll be fine. Good luck!

Okay, by the way how can I check if it POSTs?
You mean when you power it on first, right?
- before anything else, on another pc go to the motherboard manufacturer’s site and download the latest chipset, storage, LAN, and audio drivers; put these on a usb stick
- go to GPU site and put latest driveron that stick
- power on, go into bios and set XMP for the RAM; if it asks if you want to enable MCE the answer depends - if you want max performance with a hotter cpu answer yes, if you are going to stay stock answer no
— you shouldn’t have to fiddle with anything else out of the box
- insert Windows install media and reboot
- once windows setup is complete, install the drivers you downloaded

Edit: If you have both an SSD and a hard drive, do not have the hard drive connected to the system during windows install. Plug it in once setup is complete.