Opening Setup.exe takes too long to pop up.


Oct 15, 2015

Recently bought an Acer Predator 15 gaming laptop (3weeks old now). Worked good till now and still now too but i have a little problem. I want to install Assassins Creed Syndicate on it but if i click the setup.exe windows explorer doesnt respond for a minute of 2 and then it works. But it takes 5 mins to pop up the administrator run right (yes-no choice thing) and after clicking yes. It takes again 5 minutes to pop up the real install of it. I also have installed dying light and rocket league on it. That went perfectly pop up came immediatly and install too. So i went to install again those 2 games to see if its slow too for those games, and yes the same problem with all setup.exe from games. (Setup.exe from programs like steam-origin-msi afterburner-poweriso comes immediatly (i tried those too again and yes those came quickly but the games come very slow) I dont know what it is 1st time i have it. P.S !! : This happened after i tried to fix the windows store and changed some services in the services.msc thing.

Lap specs:
Core i7-6700hq 3.5ghz
16GB DDR4-2133
Win10 Home 64bit
1TB 5400RPM + 128GB M.2 SATA SSD
Windows update service,windows search,and windows installer (always disabled dont know why) and i install them from hdd (but the programs like origin etc etc also from hdd but start very fast, and the games not (the .exe files)
are drivers up to date? I know its only 3 weeks old but worth a look. IT could be you need new chipset drivers as that can effect the load times.

Steam and Afterburner would be installed on the M.2 drive, games on hdd. the speed difference between too is massive but isn't 5 minutes, so applications on the M.2 will always beat things off HDD.