Opening The Vault Door On 'Fallout 4'

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Looks like the System surrounding player health (hp, rads, injuries, status effects, etc) has been simplified.

Also, you could aim down sights back in New Vegas, so I don't understand why this article claims that this is the first time you could do that.
I find it odd that the review doesn't mention the incredibly dumbed down dialog system. If you were expecting another New Vegas in terms of dialog options and flexibility, then you will be disappointed. In fact, your build has almost no bearing on how conversations go, which is just terrible.
Looks like the System surrounding player health (hp, rads, injuries, status effects, etc) has been simplified.

Also, you could aim down sights back in New Vegas, so I don't understand why this article claims that this is the first time you could do that.

In a lot of games that allow both 1st and 3rd person, the crosshair often moves. It's like looking through just your left or just your right eye. It has to do with the position of the player camera when in either mode. I think he's probably referring to that in some way.

No mention of difficulty. I'm guessing the wasteland is kind of a walk in the park, like the past?
In a lot of games that allow both 1st and 3rd person, the crosshair often moves. It's like looking through just your left or just your right eye. It has to do with the position of the player camera when in either mode.

I don't remember anything of the sort in either New Vegas or Fallout 3. FPS view was true FPS. And that is certainly not what the review said, the review mentions ADS as if it were something new, which it isn't.

Based on what? Looks? If so, yeah it looks pretty bad.

I'm more curious about memorable NPCs, companions, side quests, etc.

I already can tell I'd pull my hair out trying to navigate VATS, crafting, and building with mouse/keyboard. I'm waiting for real reviews but its a solid "do not buy" for me until modders have a look at it.
I already can tell I'd pull my hair out trying to navigate VATS, crafting, and building with mouse/keyboard. I'm waiting for real reviews but its a solid "do not buy" for me until modders have a look at it.
You can use your mobile phone/tablet for VATS now. Android, iOS and Windows Mobile versions are available.
Also, you could aim down sights back in New Vegas, so I don't understand why this article claims that this is the first time you could do that.

I think it's because New Vegas was made by a different developer (Obsidian). It's natural to compare details of the game with the previous Fallout game that Bethesda developed.

Based on what? Looks? If so, yeah it looks pretty bad.

I'm more curious about memorable NPCs, companions, side quests, etc.

I already can tell I'd pull my hair out trying to navigate VATS, crafting, and building with mouse/keyboard. I'm waiting for real reviews but its a solid "do not buy" for me until modders have a look at it.

It's the scenario that ruins it for me. Post-nuclear-apocalyptic world? No, thanks. Not even one bit interested.

It's too bad it'll probably be at least 3 years before the next Elder Scrolls single player RPG.

Well its a bit more fun than that. It's the mid 20th century culture carried forward into the future, so there's that. Anyway, I remember Elder Scrolls lead up with the revolutionary combat where you can now right-click and combine magic for more powerful magic. I wonder what the next evolution in combat for that would be. 😀
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