Operating System fails to load on new Motherboard?


Sep 21, 2014
I want to build a PC and I'm buying the parts separately.

I recently got a motherboard - an ASUS M5-A78L-MX PLUS - and an AMD FX 6300, and to test them out I took apart one of the PCs at my job and installed the motherboard and processor on it.

The BIOS loads fine, but it fails to load the OS. The Windows 7 logo shows up for a few seconds and then it powers itself off.

The W7 startup repair tool loads fine, though it doesn't find any errors and the system keeps shutting itself off when it tries to load the OS.

When I put the old PC back together, everything worked fine.

Could this be a problem with the motherboard or the CPU? Or is it Windows 7's fault?

EDIT: The motherboard reboots the system, it doesn't shut down.
The hard drive you connected to the new motherboard has drivers and registry settings which point to the system it came from. Not finding the correct hardware, the OS fails to load.

-Wolf sends

Sorry I was wrong on that part, it does reboot, not just shut down.