Before I answer your question, can you clarify some things for me?
1. Do you have all of the other components you need for a system build? (i.e.: motherboard, PSU, memory, HDD/SSD, case, etc.)
-- If so, what are the specs for:
---> The PSU (power supply)?
---> The memory (timings, etc.)?
---> Speed and capacity of the HDD (spindle speed and storage capacity)?
2. What do you intend to do with this system?
-- Basic web browsing and emails?
-- Graphics manipulation/processing?
-- Programming?
-- Business style work (Word, Excel, etc.)?
-- Gaming?
-- Benchmarking (competitive)?
-- Folding @ Home (or similar)?
-- Bitcoin mining?
3. What OS are you intending to run on this system?
4. Is this designed to be a stepping stone to a much more capable system (this will determine recommendations for potential growth such as a bigger PSU than you might otherwise need (to allow for additional GPUs, faster CPU with larger power needs, etc.)?
Robert C.