Opinion on a CPU - Mobo


Mar 9, 2014
Hello community! I want to ask you , is a fx-6300 good with nvidia geforce gtx650 2gb (128 bit) ? If not reccommend me something in the price range of 160$ + a mobo in range of 80$
Before I answer your question, can you clarify some things for me?

1. Do you have all of the other components you need for a system build? (i.e.: motherboard, PSU, memory, HDD/SSD, case, etc.)
-- If so, what are the specs for:
---> The PSU (power supply)?
---> The memory (timings, etc.)?
---> Speed and capacity of the HDD (spindle speed and storage capacity)?

2. What do you intend to do with this system?
-- Basic web browsing and emails?
-- Graphics manipulation/processing?
-- Programming?
-- Business style work (Word, Excel, etc.)?
-- Gaming?
-- Benchmarking (competitive)?
-- Folding @ Home (or similar)?
-- Bitcoin mining?

3. What OS are you intending to run on this system?

4. Is this designed to be a stepping stone to a much more capable system (this will determine recommendations for potential growth such as a bigger PSU than you might otherwise need (to allow for additional GPUs, faster CPU with larger power needs, etc.)?

Robert C.

I do have a psu : Corsair VS550 : 550W
Ill buy new ram
I have an old HDD of 500GB dont know RPM's or anyth.


3.Windows 7

CM EVO 212 will do a nice job of cooling.

You should be fine.

In a nod to future proofing, I would recommend bumping the PSU up if you intend to go bigger on the GPU (or if you plan on an SLI config) -- but that can wait for now; You might want to consider 16 GB of RAM (if financially feasible) to help with some performance in Windows 7 (the more RAM the better Windows likes it). Definitely want to plan on a 3TB+ HDD at some point for storage; they are fairly inexpensive for that kind of space ( Newegg has one for 119.00 (USD) WD 3TB - Green). The 500GB would be just for my OS, if it were me doing this.

All-in-all, good choices for CPU and GPU ( this is from an Intel fanboi ) - also, don't forget the MOBO - I think someone mentioned an ASUS board - solid boards for gamers; can get pricy depending on the level you choose ( the Republic of Gamers (RoG) boards are a good example), but the higher the level, the better the onboard components (Japanese caps, etc.).

A 3TB is just excessive, get a 1tb unless you store a lot of pictures and videos, and even then, there are so many ways to store things on the cloud. The Hyper 212 Evo is a great cooler. Windows 7 works just fine, so yeah, you're good. HDDs do tend to die, after 7 years they don't have long left, so I would get a 1tb if at all possible. They're about $50. If you do need more for some reason, and like I said, nobody but photographers, musicians, etc, needs more, you can just get a second one later on.