Opinion on updated first time gaming/editing build list


Mar 13, 2014
Last week I posted a build list and got a lot to good feedback from you guys and I've made some of the adjustments that were suggested.

Originally, I was going to go with the Cooler Master Elite 130 case, but when I went to Fry's to take a look at it in person I was lured to the Corsair 250D which felt like an overall better built case. I ended up picking the Corsair 250D instead and thats when I realize that if I'm going to build a computer I might as well build something that is long lasting so I went back to bumped up the CPU,motherboard, changed the RAM, and got new fans. What started as a $500 build eventually grew to a little over $900, but I feel much better about the quality. I was originally intending it as mainly a gaming rig, but now I plan to use it for gaming as well as video editing because thats what I do for a living so I feel that the increased power is justified.

I was wondering if you guys would take a look at the new build and let me know what you think. All the parts have been ordered, but if you feel like there's a better part for the same/cheaper price I would appreciate that. This is really hitting the limit of my budget so I wouldn't mind if it went down a bit.

What you could upgrade more would be the GPU, but that would mean cutting corners...
If you might be interested in putting more money towards the GPU, here are a few things that you might do to spend less money on the other parts:
1 - get an SSD later down the road
2 - get a 1 TB HDD for now (idk if the case is limiting you on adding another HDD later on)
3 - get a cheaper non-modular PSU (but this will affect your airflow)
4 - drop the fans for now (add them later on if you really need them)
5 - get Win 7 (unles you really want the 8.1)

I could also recommend the i5 4670k for gaming, but since you`ll video edit, you`re better off with your initial choice.
I just got the GPU about a year ago so I was hoping to just re-use it again. From researching, it seems like I can get a few more years out of it, before I need to upgrade it. I might consider getting Win 7 though I've heard there was improvement in 8.1 so I was excited to try it out.
Depending on what programs you use for video editing, it would be a wise choice to get a Nvidia card to take advantage of the CUDA core GPU boost. Adobe currently makes use of this and I've seen it help a lot with render times, but it really comes down to the content and programs you work with.

If space in the case isn't an issue, i would add another HDD so you can keep project files and render files separate and not have to fill up your SSD.

And again, depending on what programs you use, more RAM would be really helpful.

Thanks, I didn't know that about Nvidia card, thats good to know. I'll look at the Nvidia card in the future maybe during black friday, but I might stick with my current one.

Thats a good idea, I also have a 1TB HDD thats in my current rig so I might put that in here as well.