Opinions and suggestions on this build


Nov 17, 2014
I've been playing around on pcpartpicker trying to get a decent gaming rig for under $1000 and I think I've done it. One plan is AMD/radeon and the other is intel/nvidia

One thing I have deliberately left out at this point is the wireless car because I don't know the first thing about which one to get.

Goals: run games like advanced warfare, titanfall, bf4, evil within, batman etc as close to max & 60fps as possible at 1080p on one moniter

I also have yet to take into consideration things like thermal compount (idk how much i'll need)

While it's easy to get a tower under $1k, it hasn't been so easy to get all the peripherals included under $1k (need them because what i have is crappy)

Seems that the AMD based is about $80 cheaper than intel. Is the intel build $80 better?

Any feedback regarding these would be much appreciated.


I would choose Intel over AMD. I changed your specs to include the ability to overclock, future SLI, and some better parts for better price. ie. the PSU. Changed 4 sticks of ram to 2 (performs 20% faster) and a few other things you will notice. all in all I think this would be a way better build for the price, and prevent you from building another computer in a year or two. check it out, and tell me what you like/don't like, and we can go from there. :) hope this helps

You wont have a problem with the stock cooler you receive as long as you don't overclock. You'll be fine in that sense, and you can always add one later if you plan to in the future.