I've been playing around on pcpartpicker trying to get a decent gaming rig for under $1000 and I think I've done it. One plan is AMD/radeon and the other is intel/nvidia
One thing I have deliberately left out at this point is the wireless car because I don't know the first thing about which one to get.
Goals: run games like advanced warfare, titanfall, bf4, evil within, batman etc as close to max & 60fps as possible at 1080p on one moniter
I also have yet to take into consideration things like thermal compount (idk how much i'll need)
While it's easy to get a tower under $1k, it hasn't been so easy to get all the peripherals included under $1k (need them because what i have is crappy)
Seems that the AMD based is about $80 cheaper than intel. Is the intel build $80 better?
Any feedback regarding these would be much appreciated.
One thing I have deliberately left out at this point is the wireless car because I don't know the first thing about which one to get.
Goals: run games like advanced warfare, titanfall, bf4, evil within, batman etc as close to max & 60fps as possible at 1080p on one moniter
I also have yet to take into consideration things like thermal compount (idk how much i'll need)
While it's easy to get a tower under $1k, it hasn't been so easy to get all the peripherals included under $1k (need them because what i have is crappy)
Seems that the AMD based is about $80 cheaper than intel. Is the intel build $80 better?
Any feedback regarding these would be much appreciated.