Opinions of the new gaming pc I have bought...

Feb 15, 2018

I have just bought a gaming pc, and i was wondering if someone could give me their opinion of the specs of said pc? I'm only a student so I'm not able to go all out lol

The specs are as follows...

GTX 1060 6gb

AMD Ryzen 5 2600

2tb HDD

120gb SSD

16 Corsair Vengeance 2400mhz Ram

Would greatly appreciate any opinions! =)
PSU = power supply unit
It's probably the single most important component in a PC and yet it's often a place where people try to save money with cheaper units.
RAM is too slow for Ryzen. 3000 Mhz is the sweet spot.

A bigger SSD would be beneficial. 120 gigs will fill up quick.

Build is well balanced, and will handle the games you mentioned well. Streaming will be taxing unless you severely reduce the quality. I expect something like 720p30 or 720p60 would be max.

What PSU?
It's a good mid range gaming PC. Stick to 1080P and you'll be able to play pretty much anything at high graphics settings or better.
The games you mentioned are not especially demanding and will run just fine, I don't know about streaming though because it's not something I do.
Regarding the RAM is too slow comment, it's true faster RAM is better and will improve perfomance but you make it sound like it won't work at all saying it like that. 2400 is fine, it just means it loses some performance compared to faster RAM which will result in lower fps - but it'll still game well.

Thanks for the advice and I'll bare that in mind in the future!

I'm not too sure what PSU means lol do you mind explaining it to me? 😛


Okay thank you for clarifying that my pc can run the games =)

I see, this is my first gaming computer so I wasn't up to date with whats good/better, thank you for filling me in tho!