Opinions on CPU/GPU- first time mini build for light gaming, web surfing, netflix


Apr 16, 2015
I like the idea of a small computer that won't take up too much room in my apartment. This will be my first time building a computer so I did a little research but would like your opinions if this is a good set up and if the cpu/gpu combo is adequate.

I play the older total war series off and on and don't have any intentions of playing new generation games. I'd like to play empire total war with the darth mod and napoleon total war with the zulu mod at the highest graphic settings on 1080p. Other than those two games I will use this computer for microsoft office work, surfing the web, and watching movies or netflix.

Parts list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/nCBGRB

Let me know if I can cut some costs. I considered a better gpu but will the gtx 750 ti play ETW/NTW at the settings I want on 1080p?
What's your budget? If you can I would get an i3-4330 for $130.

You might want to consider some extra case fans that run at very low RPM. You could get something like the Noctua NF-F12 that you can change the RPM and has an add on that will make the fan quieter. It has a minimum of 300 RPM and a maximum of 1200 RPM (with the low noise adapter). This fan is the best 120mm case fan and it comes at a pretty steep price. If you want something for around $10, then I would check out the Arctic F12 PWM fan. It's not as good as the Noctua fan, but it does have different fan speeds, and can run at speeds from 600-1350 RPM. A couple fans will help your system run quieter and cooler, if you choose the right ones

Stay with that GPU because it's small and pretty powerful. It'll run those games at 1080p.