Opinions on this gaming build, please


Nov 20, 2015
I am the definition of novice when it comes to this stuff. I've done lots of reading on this site and a couple of others to work on gaming PCs for my 2 boys.

Please tell me what y'all think of this parts list. Any changes, places where I can save by scaling something down, what I'm missing? I haven't chosen a case, so some opinions would be appreciated. Monitor, keyboard, speakers, we have. Do I need a sound card? I'm thinking Windows 10 for operating. I also have an ASUS Essentio CG5270. Can I scavenge anything off of that? Thanks for any and all help!!

Here's my list so far:

Intel Core i5-6600K

CPU Cooler
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO


G.Skill 16GB

Samsung 250GB SSD

Western Digital 1TB 7200RPM

Video Card
EVGA GeForce GTX 970

Power Supply

Optical Drive

Looks like a good build to me, but what RAM speed and PSU model did you pick?

You don't need a sound card unless there's a specific feature missing from the motherboard's on-board audio (or GPU's HDMI output). You could also drop the PSU to something in the 500W range; an XFX XTR is a good choice. Tom's has a PSU tier list which you can check at http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-2547993/psu-tier-list.html.

With regards to a case, that's very much driven by aesthetics and the choice is huge, so it's not easy to recommend one.

There's nothing worth scavenging from your ASUS desktop, besides the optical drive and wireless card (if it has one). I'd look at re-purposing it as an HTPC or NAS, or giving it to the wife or kids.

I think it´s a very good overall build. Not the cheapest, but very strong gaming rig.

Keyboard : I recommend Logitechs G11 or similar, with macro keys for gaming.
Mouse: Razor Deathadder is very popular, and I owned about 5 of them.
Monitor: Go for a G Sync monitor, 144 hz - 24-27 inch with 1080p+
Speakers : surround sound speakers + surround soundcard for ultimate gaming.

You´ll be a very popular dad ~

NB: nothing to scavenge really from your old rig.

I've picked a 650 power supply and upgraded to an i7 5820K cpu. This motherboard is getting mediocre reviews, so I'm thinking about changing it. Problem is, I don't know what to pick. Any suggestions? As far as RAM speed, I think it's 16 GB (?)



Well, I'm going for very popular Mom, but thanks! Lol! So, I nudged the power down to 650 and upped the CPU to i7 5820K. I'm not sure about my motherboard. This one is getting so-so reviews. Thoughts?


My apologies madam~

650 is fine as well. I wouldn´t go lower however - despite what other people may say, since PSU is the lifesupport of all the components and it´s best comfortable around 50% load. Also, it opens the possibility to add another card later on for SLI - without having to upgrade PSU again.

As for the i7 core, it´s a great core too, but overkill. Actually i5 6600k is a bit overkill, so I think you should stick with that. Really depends on your budget.

the Asus Z170 PG is a great board. It´s an upgrade from the z97 chipset and has tons of features and ports, and it´s priced well too. There´s no buyers remorse in that..