Opinions on this refurbished laptop?

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Apr 11, 2013
I'm looking at purchasing this laptop from Newegg (Canadian) and was wondering if it is a good deal.


I realize that there is no refund policy so once I've bought it it's mine unless it's defective, in which case I have 30 days to get it replaced for free and after that an additional 60 days to have it repaired. I mean it looks like a really good deal considering there are virtually no other laptops that have this video card in this price range, at least here in Canada.

So is it worth it? I mean I'm not planning on getting a refund since I've done my research and this computer did receive good reviews when it first debuted a couple of years ago, sooo.. worth? I know a desktop would be better value but I need the mobility.
seems okay but it's an Acer (I really don't like them). Little dispointed for that price point it doesn't have an SSD in it.

That all said I've bought maybe a dozen refurbished office desktops through newegg. Never had a problem with any of them.
seems okay but it's an Acer (I really don't like them). Little dispointed for that price point it doesn't have an SSD in it.

That all said I've bought maybe a dozen refurbished office desktops through newegg. Never had a problem with any of them.
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