A few months back I built a small form factor PC for the purpose of streaming my main gaming rig to my home theatre setup over Steam. Unfortunately it doesn't work over the wifi as well as I had hoped and running a 50 foot ethernet cable up my stairs isn't any sort of long term solution. So I decided to slap a GPU in it and use it for some light gaming which worked half decently but I think there is definitely some room for improvement.
As it stands right now the machine has the following main components:
- Intel Celeron G1840 CPU (Newegg No. N82E16819117301)
- EVGA GT730 (Newegg No. N82E16814487052)
- 4 GB RAM (Newegg No. N82E16820104457)
- 2.5" HDD
It's all in an Antec ISK 300-150 case so low profile GPUs are my only option here. I'm really happy with the form factor so I don't want to change the case. It's not my main gaming rig anyway so I'm not going for extreme performance here. But if it can play Borderlands The Pre-Sequel at 1080p I'll be happy as a clam. Right now it can do 720p with high settings. 1080p kills the framerate, even at low/medium settings.
The Celeron was more than enough for streaming but right now I sort of suspect it's bottlenecking the performance. I don't know nearly as much about the effect of a CPU on gaming as I would like though so any advice here would be welcome. I'd be willing to upgrade it to an i3 or even an i5 if necessary.
I'm not sure about the RAM either. Would 8 GB make a noticeable difference or is 4 sufficient for this? Normally I just get way more RAM than I need but for this rig I only got 4 because I was trying to build it on the cheap.
I'm mainly looking for opinions on how to go about upgrading this little box. Do you think I can squeeze a bit more performance out of it? Or is this thing as good as it's going to get? Any opinions/experiences/advice would be welcome.
As it stands right now the machine has the following main components:
- Intel Celeron G1840 CPU (Newegg No. N82E16819117301)
- EVGA GT730 (Newegg No. N82E16814487052)
- 4 GB RAM (Newegg No. N82E16820104457)
- 2.5" HDD
It's all in an Antec ISK 300-150 case so low profile GPUs are my only option here. I'm really happy with the form factor so I don't want to change the case. It's not my main gaming rig anyway so I'm not going for extreme performance here. But if it can play Borderlands The Pre-Sequel at 1080p I'll be happy as a clam. Right now it can do 720p with high settings. 1080p kills the framerate, even at low/medium settings.
The Celeron was more than enough for streaming but right now I sort of suspect it's bottlenecking the performance. I don't know nearly as much about the effect of a CPU on gaming as I would like though so any advice here would be welcome. I'd be willing to upgrade it to an i3 or even an i5 if necessary.
I'm not sure about the RAM either. Would 8 GB make a noticeable difference or is 4 sufficient for this? Normally I just get way more RAM than I need but for this rig I only got 4 because I was trying to build it on the cheap.
I'm mainly looking for opinions on how to go about upgrading this little box. Do you think I can squeeze a bit more performance out of it? Or is this thing as good as it's going to get? Any opinions/experiences/advice would be welcome.