Question Opinions on Wonder Woman '84?

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Jul 4, 2019
Watched WW84 recently and, wow, can I say "what the hell was that?" Terrible. A plot based on magical wish rocks? Really no main villain but a couple of disgruntled, low self-esteem people and a sappy ending. CGI fights with too much CGI. Confusing "back from the dead" boyfriend when it didn't need to be so convoluted. No big action pieces at all.

I wasn't really too high on the first WW, but after watching this garbage, the first one is so much better.

I can't believe anyone is defending this flick.

**I will say the movie's high point is the opening, where Diana is a young girl competing in some kind of Olympics w/the other Amazons. After that, it's all down hill.
I must admit that after watching the new one the first one seems better now. Steve coming back in another body was...why?

The people that must take back their wishes.....yeah I'm sure everyone will do that right? The mom that just wished her boy back alive will surely want to give the wish back inside 2 minutes flat. Some people just want to watch the world burn. No wish like that? I wish that the sun goes supernova. Game Over.

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Not seen them but i must say the chick in that is tremendous!
Sure is, and I just found out (blew my mind) she has two kids and is going to have a third. The image they present of her is certainly not one of being a mother. And the dude who did the deed really ain't no looker either.
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