Opt Out Of Platform API Sharing On Facebook

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Apr 26, 2018

A lot of people use Facebook’s API to login on various third party sites or apps. It easy and quick, and saves the time of entering and remembering your password for websites that you visit. Unfortunately, there is a downside and with the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, it became more obvious and really put the social media giant in a bad spotlight.

Stop using Facebook altogether is really not an option for many people, but you can start to control the data that goes through Facebook’s API and ultimately through third party websites. It’s time to start taking control of your privacy settings, and here is how you can do that.

    ■ Type www.facebook.com in the address bar of your browser and press Enter.
    ■ Click on the Log In button after you enter your credentials, if you’re not already logged in.


    ■ On the Home page, in the upper right corner of the page, click on the down-arrow icon.


    ■ Choose Settings, in the displayed menu.


    ■ Next, on the bottom-left side of the page find the Apps and Websites and click it.


    ■ Scroll down, and find the Apps, Websites and Games section, and click on the Edit button below.


    ■ A small window will appear with some information explaining what will happen if you decide to change the setting. At the bottom-right corner of the window click on the Turn Off button.


    ■ With this setting turned off, you won’t be able to use websites or apps with your Facebook. Basically, anything related to Facebook login and third party websites or apps won’t work anymore, but that also means you won’t share your privacy information with those websites and apps.

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