Optane Memory boost second HDD instead of Primary


Apr 22, 2016
Here's my set up
120GB SSD for OS and other Apps + 4TB HDD for Games
Given that i have supported Processor and Motherboard. i just need to make sure if adding at least 16GB Optane memory can boost the second HDD instead of the primary 120GB? or if i'm thinking wrong please tell me what should be the right thing.

all suggestions are surely appreciated.
If I'm not mistaken, Optane can only be used with the boot drive.

And as above...Optane is an expensive solution to a non-problem.
The thing is, if you have enough RAM (16GB seems to be the agreed quantity these days...), the HDD simply doesn't come into play. Optane is grotesquely expensive, especially given the small sizes available (the per/GB cost is stupid high). I'd be looking to add a 1TB SSD and put your games on it (use the 4TB HDD for data), and ignore trying to speed up a spinny drive.