Optical to AUX adapter not working


Oct 31, 2015
I currently have a soundbar which only has a toslink connection to connect to an audio source. The problem is that i switched out my motherboard from one with a toslink output to one without (MSI B250M Mortar).

So i bought a toslink to 3.5mm AUX and hope it would work, but it doesn't. I put in the toslink to AUX adapter into the audio L-OUT on the motherboard, but no audio is coming out. I can see that there's a connection since it shows an audio output in Windows.

Does anyone have a clue if it's the motherboard, or maybe i need a different kind of adapter...

This is the adapter i bought: https://www.google.dk/search?q=toslink+to+3.5mm&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjsgJmLrJjWAhUE1BoKHRWuBxMQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=950#imgrc=8ykFVCisD0PQkM:

That is a Toslink-to-MiniToslink adapter (optical to optical). It will not work on a standard 3.5mm audio jack.

What you need is a digital-to-analog converter like this:


But how do i use that? Since the speaker is the output and ONLY has a toslink connection, i can't plug it into any of the outputs on that box.