Optimal laptop temperatures? Need help!


Oct 23, 2015
Hello. Sorry in advance if im creating a thread in a wrong section.

Anyways, i've owned my Asus N56VZ for almost 3 years now. Long story short, a couple of months ago i couldn't get it turned on, took it to warranty service, got a motherboard, CPU and a screen change. Got it fixed. Some days later i noticed my laptop fans working much louder than it should (before the breakdown). Decided to monitor my pc temperatures.
On idle i get somewhere between 55-62C, 75-80C while watching youtube vids, and about 95-101 while gaming (GTA V in this case). The GPU temperatures on idle are about 55C and 65-70C while gaming. I used SpeedFan 4.51 to monitor these temperatures. My CPU is an Intel i7 3630QM 2.4GHz, the GPU is Nvidia GT 650M. I don't think it's normal because i can always feel the hot air flowing from the air vents, and the bottom of the laptop sometimes can get hot to touch.

I want to know if these temperatures are normal and, if not, what would happen to my PC if it wont get fixed? Im planning on taking it back to the warranty service for a next checkup, although im not sure that will help - everything they changed seems to be defected (screen was changed for no apparent reason, and the angles with this new screen are much more horrible than it was before), looks like they gave my PC refurbished parts. Thanks for your answers.
It's throttling, so limited performance, far away from max performance you can achieve. I'm surprised you don't feel uncomfortable writing on the keyboard, my laptop while rendering gets to around 95 as well, not quite throttling though. But I'm using it with an external keyboard tablet and monitor. What you could do is clean the dust, but some models are harder to work with than others. I don't know what they did to your laptop, but you may want to change thermal paste on the CPU. I don't recommend doing this yourself if you're not experienced.

"what would happen to my PC if it wont get fixed?" nothing, it throttles which prevents damage, basically keeping you at a set temperature, without it rising to like 110+ which would permanently harm your CPU. I'm surprised you didnt mention performance drop in GTA V though, 100C should be throttling.

Im suprised myself, i remember my laptop getting very warm on the bottom left side of the keyboard when i used to play Battlefield 4, what makes it even more weird is that it's mainly made of aluminium, it should get hot, but somehow it doesnt. Only the bottom of the PC gets really hot.
The first time i tried to clean my laptop from dust was about half a year ago - was really surprised that there were only a little dust, although my PC performed like it should at the time.
Obviously i noticed a performance drop on GTA V, the fps count dropped a bit and the game sometimes freezed on some ocassions, like explosions, or whenever (mainly explosions), the freezes last from 5 to 10 seconds. Although ive noticed these freezes whilst youtubing or listening to music, o even working with MS office