Dec 14, 2019
I just recently got into the hobby and picked up an old Optiplex360 for free from a friend. It works fine as is but my intentions are to upgrade it as best I can with the original mobo, and use it as a home enterainment hub. Basically store a ton of movies on it. My biggest upgrade will probably be a graphics card with an HDMI port. That being said, any suggestions out there on a good but not amazing graphics card w/ HDMI port?
Dell Optiplex 360

Looks like there are two versions of this unit. Which one do you have?
What processor is installed?
These units have a max 4GB RAM limit (2x2GB). You're going to need a light running OS for it to act smoothly as a media hub.
The desktop version of this unit is really limited on SATA ports. You could get a DVD drive and an HDD, but that's it. The Mini-Tower version has one more SATA port.
The Mini-Tower only has a 255 watt PSU and the Desktop has a 235 watt PSU. The best card I'd recommend for either of these would be something along the lines of a GT720. Really low-end, but should be sufficient for HD Video playback.

Even getting it for free, I'd be really cautious about putting too much money into this unit to...
Dell Optiplex 360

Looks like there are two versions of this unit. Which one do you have?
What processor is installed?
These units have a max 4GB RAM limit (2x2GB). You're going to need a light running OS for it to act smoothly as a media hub.
The desktop version of this unit is really limited on SATA ports. You could get a DVD drive and an HDD, but that's it. The Mini-Tower version has one more SATA port.
The Mini-Tower only has a 255 watt PSU and the Desktop has a 235 watt PSU. The best card I'd recommend for either of these would be something along the lines of a GT720. Really low-end, but should be sufficient for HD Video playback.

Even getting it for free, I'd be really cautious about putting too much money into this unit to get it up to specs.

-Wolf sends