Optiplex 780 will not boot: 1 & 3 lights blinking & Power Button Blinking Amber

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Nov 5, 2013
Dell Optiplex 780 mini tower.
Computer was working okay yesterday, no changes were made or work done on the box.
Walked into the office this morning and saw:
Computer seemed to be powering/shutting down in intervals of about 1 second.
I pulled the power cord and plugged back in. Attempted to power up the box without success.
The power button flashing Amber and lights 1 & 3 are flashing.
Performed the following:
Pulled the power supply from working 780 in installed in this box.
Result: No Change - same symptoms.
Pulled RAM from working 780 and installed in this box.
Result: No change - same symptoms.

Reviewing the manual diagnostic codes (lights only since box will not post).
Manual points to RAM. But, as I mentioned, this computer was working fine with no changes made to RAM prior to issue. And, since I tested with known good working RAM from another 780, a memory issues is not suspected.

Please help with any suggestions or ideas. willybak@GMail Dot Com
So I can't turn on my Optiplex 780 through the regular power button. I have to hold the power supply test button on the back, and then press the on button. The computer then stays on and the orange remain stable 1-3 light is flashing this act again & again then after 20 to 30 minutes it start after system is on restarting is ok i have change 3.v battery on board. next day when i start same problem continues.
So I can't turn on my Optiplex 780 through the regular power button. I have to hold the power supply test button on the back, and then press the on button. The computer then stays on and the orange remain stable 1-3 light is flashing this act again & again then after 20 to 30 minutes it start after system is on restarting is ok i have change 3.v battery on board. next day when i start same problem continues.

Had you recently made changes to any power options on the NIC? I am seeing this problem across the domain at the moment and the only thing I can think of that is common is that I have unchecked the power saving features on the NIC via DevMgr. Using the method of briefly holding the back power test button while holding the front power button works on some but not all. I see the number 3 flashing which means a possible mobo fault. The 780 is a late 2009 model though. But I'd love to hear about some other experiences.

Please don't reply to threads that are over two months old. If you have any questions please start a new thread about them.
Just had the same thing happen to me. Dell Optiplex literally turned off right in the middle of operation. Computer would start and stop, start and stip. I had lights "1" and "2" blinking.....but then if I pressed the power button it would inconsistently light "3" up with "1" and "2" off.

I can also hold the test button on the back of the power supply to keep it from turning off. Upon releasing the test switch it shuts right off.

I've already checked all the connectors. I'm guessing its a power supply failure but the occasionally lit "3" is throwing me off so I'm going to try a different processor first and go from there. I'll let you know what I find.


It was the power supply.

Same problem on my end however I can't seem to recover from it.

Swapped out PSU - no recovery.
Swapped out RAM, Graphics Card and CPU - still no recovery.

However I find if I leave the computer alone for half a day to a day while plugged in I can power it up.

Any ideas?


This thread was started 2 years ago. You won't have much success getting answers by commenting here. Start a new thread to get better results, and please don't revive these old threads.


Start a new thread if you have any more questions not answered :). The Optiplex 780 isn't that old, so I'm sure that we will still be able to answer any questions fully. If you do start a new thread, people will be able to find your queries more easily if you do so, and thus your questions will be answered quicker and in a more detailed manner.

I've the ssame problem,blinking Amber light and 1&3 light codes.
So the only way is to change the SMPS?
If yes can you suggest one or should i replace with the same thing?


Half a day sounds to me like a self - healing poly-fuse. If that was the case power on or off should not make a difference. (Unless maybe power surge kills the fuse if the power was off)

My Dell Optiplex 780 system unit diagnostics light blinks for 7 times and the system does power. Please can you help to solve it

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