Ellison is a pompous ass, but I find it refreshing that a person in the spotlight can speak his mind instead of playing the politically correct, don't offend anyone tactic of speaking without actually saying anything of substance.
If you filter out the childish notes, you can see a very valid point. Apotheker has run SAP into the ground. A few years back, SAP was the dominant force, but since Apotheker ran the show, SAP has lost market share and more importantly, mind share. PeopleSoft, Oracle and others have steadily grown while SAP has shrunk.
At this time HP needs a visionary. Their products are growing stale and they have not released any truly innovative products in years. Instead of innovating and being the first to market with server blades, low power servers, unified threat appliances, unified communication appliances, etc., they essentially clone the ideas of the market leaders. There was a time when HP printers were innovative, indestructible, and feature rich, now they are commodity pieces with no differentiators. Same goes for their PCs, servers and other devices.