Orange light beside RAM slots on motherboard


Nov 9, 2017
Just finished building my pc and an orange led lit up beside the ram slots, anyone know what this means?
Using Asus strix b350f

lower half, image of q-leds after "gamer's guardian"
green is boot
white is vga
yellow is ram
red is cpu

is this what you see?
it's one of ASUS mobo feature called Q-Leds (orange led on the bottom right though, is an indication that ur motherboard is getting power from ur psu)
i think the one on top should be an indication in case something went wrong during the boot, i forget which defines what, but it should be either cpu,ram,vga, and boot drive (iirc orange defines ram failure)

Got it sorted just reinstalled ram and booted up fine

Hi guys i need your help please!!! I have the same problem but the light it is white so its vga but i connect with display port and pc dont send signal to monitor but for 5 months works perfect.Any idea? Thanks for your time!

The light is white all the time it stands for VGA but what you mean with that? Cable broken? Graphic card broken?