Orange light on Asus motherboard


May 11, 2013
So I just got done putting together my new motherboard, CPU and SSD and ahm, basically I have these multiple orange lights on the motherboard that I have no idea if they are supposed to be there as a decoration, or if it means something is work. The system works, so far at least and I can't really spot any problems to be honest, I mean I am writing this from the new system. I read somewhere that this is a problem thing, then I read at other places that it is just a decoration, I've no idea.

Motherboard = Asus B85M G Plus/USB 3.1 
CPU = Intel Xeon 1231 v3 
GPU = R9 380
SSD = Samsung 750 250 GB
HDD = Western Digital 500GB
PSU = EVGA 550W 80 certified 

It sometimes doesn't turn off even if I turn off the power supply lol. And if I turn off the system, It doesn't immediately turn off either.
if the lights do not turn off after turning off the power supply it just means there is still some charge left in the capacitors which can cleared by holding the power button in while the power supply is switched off