Question Ordered a 240 hz Acer Monitor, will I get my 240hz with my 1060?

Freesync has no effect on your ability to push frames, if your cpu and 1060 are up to the task you'll be able to get 240 if not you won't. The monitor won't matter. Without knowing the rest of your system it's impossible to know if you can get that many fps. Which game matters too
I would venture to say you will not get 240 fps on most games. That said, especially if you turn on the gsync/freesync/adaptive sync, I think you will still get a great experience.

I have a Vega 56 card with a ryzen 1700x, and in far cry 5 for example, seem to get 80-100fps give or take at ultra 1080p. I have a 144hz monitor. There might be an occasional stutter, but 90% of the time, it's a very nice, smooth experience. I think you will probably find you enjoy it very much. I would say to get higher frames though, you may find for example that you need to turn down settings a little at times. It will also depend what cpu you have and what games you're playing.
If your question is will the 1060 run at 240Hz, the answer is most likely. nvidia just started supporting Adaptive Sync in January, which is essentially Freesync. I'm not sure if it's enabled on all Pascal products, but it definitely works on a GTX 1080 as I've seen it with my own eyes. When you get the new monitor, there should be a setting in the driver options to enable it. Just google "nvidia now supports freesync" for more info.

As far as framerate goes, you'll probably need to run your games with Ultra LOW settings. I don't see the 1060 hitting 240fps otherwise.