origin agony pls help.....? fifa 15


Dec 8, 2014
i bought fifa 15 for pc in origin.my internet speed is extremely slow at 80kbps.however i started downloading and successfully crossed 80% but when i pause and download again it keeps on going backwards to 41% and randomly.at first i downloaded upto 8.55gb.but still starts downloading from 3.84 gb any help i payed for it pls help
I backed up (as in copied) the DA:I folder to another HD, did a fresh windows install, then installed origin, then restored DA:I folder back to where it belongs, I started downloading DA:I in origin and it did detect it with 99% downloaded... some few files were missing.

Now this works if being the same user... not sure if you could "borrow" the other user's install folder... I would like to think it should work since Origin should detect you have paid for it as well... but yes... ask Origin support whether you can do that


Apr 21, 2010
I backed up (as in copied) the DA:I folder to another HD, did a fresh windows install, then installed origin, then restored DA:I folder back to where it belongs, I started downloading DA:I in origin and it did detect it with 99% downloaded... some few files were missing.

Now this works if being the same user... not sure if you could "borrow" the other user's install folder... I would like to think it should work since Origin should detect you have paid for it as well... but yes... ask Origin support whether you can do that