Os on m2 ssd no nvme ,games and apps on nvme ssd


May 26, 2014
Hello guys,
I just got myself a 1tb ssd 970 Evo,e and I've got a question that I can't answer myself.
I have the os on primary SSD no-nvme m.2 SSD 250 GB, now I also got the 970 Evo, I don't want to reinstall windows or move it so, will the name performance be canceled by having the os on slower SSD? , I saw some videos of the only difference between normal SSD and NVME one is the loading of some software like Adobe Premiere, if I have the software on OS SSD and data on Evo will it load as fast as it should on NVME or I need software on Evo and also the data , or I need pretty much everything on EVO SSD so I can take full advantage of NVME?
forgot to mention the device is G9-593 16gb gtx1070 i7 6th gen I'll have the NVME SSD on the PCIEx4 slot and os one on PCIEx2
Thanks in advance, hope I made the question close to clear 😀
I don't really know it came with the laptop and I don't have it on me for the next month, I also have 1gbps internet connection if I download stuff straight to NVME SSD will it go faster than on normal ssd?

Downloading from the internet...it makes absolutely zero difference.
The drive performance is far, far faster then your internet speed.

For the drives, leave the OS on the one it is on already. You'd see zero difference.
My only worry was for the name not to work cause of the os on slower SSD , so if I load something in Adobe Premiere it should load at nvme speeds right? Having the data on evo

Presumably the unknown drive is a SATA III m.2 drive?

"Slower" is relative.
Both of those drives are "fast".

In a blind test, I doubt you could tell any difference in either configuration.

No, an m.2 port can be either SATA III or PCIe.
And if PCIe, x2 or x4.

In any case...leave the OS on whatever drive it is on currently.