I am about to upgrade my PC. I currently have an SSD holding my Operating system. On new motherboard i want my operating system on the NVMe M.2 i just got. When i make the motherboard switch out, what is the easiest way to get my SSD data onto my NVMe m.2 to get up and running?
My thought was to rebuild my pc with all the new parts. Plug in only my old operating system ssd to get up and running, and the new NVMe M.2 would be on the motherboard already. Then use "Paragon hard disk manager 16.5" to migrate the data to the new NVMe m.2. Any Precautions with this? This is my first time dealing with an NVMe m.2.
My thought was to rebuild my pc with all the new parts. Plug in only my old operating system ssd to get up and running, and the new NVMe M.2 would be on the motherboard already. Then use "Paragon hard disk manager 16.5" to migrate the data to the new NVMe m.2. Any Precautions with this? This is my first time dealing with an NVMe m.2.